Carne Asada Saved My Life.
Ranking among Hip-Hop on the exclusive list of things I truly love in this world: mexican food. Thats right, greasy, down and dirty, sand in your ass Mexican Food. A San Diego taco shop is often my happy place when I am suffering the Canadian winter. To tell you the truth, I can think of nothing more congruous with the essence of my being than a steaming carne asada burrito smothered in salsa that makes your eyes water.
My brother, also a product of the southern california lifestyle, shares my obsession. So when he moved to NYC recently he lamented for a proper mexican place. The search began. And he turned his search into a blog called Lost Taco. I mention it mostly because he’s my brother, but also because its important info (especially if your in the area) and its pretty funny.
I dedicate this song to you brave taco hunter.
Download: Danny!-The Groove
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$port said,
Wrote on July 2, 2008 @ 3:45 pm
fam you have no idea….sour cream on everything please lol..