Black ELement – Sex Ed (feat. T-Payne) [Missing ELements #6].

The latest installment in the Missing ELements series. Black tells you what it’s all about:

Ok I know i’ve been on the funny tip lately, but i had to hit ya’ll with this one. STDs can be pretty funny sometimes, when I made this track I thought of the South Park movie song “it’s easy MmmmKay. So I decided to make something for the kiddies if I was teaching Sex Ed.

There’s some goofing on T-Pain on this one, pretty damn funny.

Black ELement – Sex Ed (feat. T-Payne)

Previously: Missing ELements #5

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2 Comments so far »

  1. quan said,

    Wrote on September 1, 2008 @ 3:22 am

    lol. Great song, I’m a fan. He should do a remix with Snoop, Qtip, and Dave Chappelle.

  2. Black ELement - Missing ELements (Volume 1), Mixtape. | Metal Lungies said,

    Wrote on September 20, 2008 @ 12:38 pm

    […] by Dub Floyd. Every Missing ELements track we’ve been posting, plus album cuts and rare tracks. 01. Missing […]

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