Flying Lotus x Gonjasufi x Gucci Mane.

Three recent Flying Lotus tracks for dat ass. The first is a Flying Lotus joint that will not be on his new album “space opera” Cosmogramma. The second is a track he produced for Warp labelmate Gonjasufi. The third is FlyLo’s remix of Gucci Mane’s “Photo Shoot.” If you’re wary of listening to anything Gucci Mane-related, listen to what FlyLo did to Lil Wayne first and try not to poop in your pants. Grab em at Warp.

Also, here’s an excerpt from a recent interview with Lotus.

Everyone loves 50 Cent, everyone is on that shit, that shit’s dark. Like a lot of the lyrics that I hear in hip hop are negative, that’s just the truth. I just want to work with people that are trying to do good and send out good vibrations on this earth. Seriously, there are enough negative forces out there. Even if they’re not killing people its juts like people who are making music that like kills culture and killing art and the idea of art and the idea of progression. All that shit is death.

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