Game – Pussy Fight (ft. Ray J, Ester Dean).

Unpredictable as Game is, I don’t think anyone was expecting “Pussy Fight,” a disturbingly graphic oral sex ballad. “Pussy Fight” isn’t even a typical misogynistic rap song. That would be too normal. Game actually made an entire song about performing oral sex on his woman and how much he likes doing it.

This is also the second time Game has used Auto-Tune on his own vocals. The first time was the blood anthem/Bishop Lamont diss “Red Rockin.” Auto-Tune has gained a reputation as the overused accessory of b-grade mainstream rap artists. Auto-Tune was a questionable choice on “Red Rockin,'” but it makes more sense on “Pussy Fight” because it’s “for the ladies.”

Auto-Tune actually works on this song. Game took a played out vocal effect that everyone was sick of and turned into something extremely perverse. The problem with Auto-Tune was every artist slapped it on their song because the next guy was doing it. Game’s usage is more valid because it serves a creative purpose. “Pussy Fight” is an x-rated take on the corny 09 rap single, though it has more in common with the Internet classic “Smell Yo Dick,” than any T-Pain song.

But let’s not avoid the elephant in the room: Game made an entire song about eating pussy.

Grab it from HipHop-N-More

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1 Comment so far »

  1. Lisa said,

    Wrote on January 31, 2011 @ 12:45 pm

    I think it’s a new side of the game that we have not seen, there is no question about if he is gangster, nor does it have anything to do with that. Sex is sex and I think it’s super sexy of him to let the world know he loves doing it. Real men will admit it, the one’s who need to grow up don’t do it or are embarrassed to admit they do. I four thumbs up to The Game! P.S. he is fuckin sexy too! with the prettiest eye’s. Those who hate are just mad the didn’t make the song first, KNOW THAT!

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