Raekwon – Lizz (produced by DJ Scratch).


Raekwon gave heads the classic coke tales they were fiending for with Cuban Linx II. Also, he has adapted to today’s hip-hop market by leaking a new track every couple of weeks. It sounds like a Wu fan’s dream, but between Cuban, Wu-Massacre, and Rae’s stray leaks,  the Chef’s narcotic noir is getting played out.

Fortunately, Rae switched it up with “Lizz.” Rae raps to his lady with a vulgarity you would expect from Ghostface. His low voice is right at home over Les McCann’s warm, sweaty synth jazz. The song was inspired by the lewd conversations of Angela Yee’s Lip Service show.

This is much more interesting than the rehash of “Criminology” that just leaked.

Download: Raekwon – Lizz (produced by DJ Scratch)

via TeamYee.tv

Other recent Raekwon joints:

Download: Raekwon – Wallys & Pringles (produced by Alchemist)

via Xclusives Zone

Download: Raekwon – Pioneers (produced by Vin Tha Chin)

via Sumit

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