Evidence – Cats & Dogs, Album.

Evidence’s stark, methodical bars lend themselves to slow, droning beats. So basically, Alchemist beats. As fate would have it, Ev and Alch are old chums, so Evidence’s sophomore album has five appearances from Alchemist behind the boards as well as one verse. The standouts for me are “James Hendrix (StepBrothers),” “Crash,” “Where You Come From?” and “Well Runs Dry.” On “Well Runs Dry,” Evidence (or maybe producer Sid Roams) has the wisdom to put Krondon of Strong Arm Steady on hook duty. Krondon’s uniquely, charred voice adds a note of harshness to a song about the fragility of success, which is tied to the economy with a series of news clips. You can listen to my picks below and the rest here.

Related: Evidence told LA Weekly that he and Alchemist will eventually make a StepBrothers album:

Well, [Alchemist and I] never announced that we were a group, we just started putting “Step Brothers” next to the music that we created and people demanded it, so I don’t know. We make music every day; we’ve been doing that since we were ditching high school together. There’s a lotta youth energy attached to that project. When we have enough songs done, and we have the time off together to promote it and give it a real campaign, that’s when it’ll come out. We’ll make time. Definitely.

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