Metal Lungies at Bonnaroo 2015.


It’s June and what happens in June? Bonnaroo, duh. Metal Lungies’ favorite time of the year where we pack up and setup camp (in an air conditioned rented home) to enjoy the best music festival in America (maybe North America? maybe Earth?). We’ve been to so many ‘roos that we are within reach of using a 19 roos and counting joke!

Like we did last year, we picked 5 acts that you shouldn’t miss whether streaming on Red Bull TV, or in-person, or on Red Bull TV while at Bonnaroo if you’re too lazy to walk from that tent to this tent.


  • Glass Animals
  • Jungle
  • Dej Loaf
  • Ryn Weaver
  • Raury


  • Royal Blood
  • Sylvan Esso
  • Tears for Fears (!!)
  • Run The Jewels
  • Odesza


  • Jamie xx
  • Slayer
  • D’Angelo and The Vanguard
  • Flume


  • Shabazz Palaces
  • Spoon
  • Rudimental
  • Caribou

If you’re doing some last minute packing and trying to figure what to bring you should check out our absolute essential packing list from a few years back (scientifically proven to keep you dry and semi-clean!). It’s missing Emergen-C/Vitamins to keep the Bonnaroo Plague at bay, so don’t forget that.

We’ll be filing quick recaps from our dust covered MacBooks, so keep refreshing your RSS feed all weekend long (also, thanks for still having an RSS feed). Seriously, don’t even thinking about stepping outside to take your finger off the refresh button.

Be sure to follow us on Instagram where will be using the finest VSCO filters to make the famous amish donuts and pretzels looks glamorous all weekend long.

Our Instagram handles are @meaghatron & @dj01, give us your <3s dammit.

We’ll also sprinkle some painfully unfunny tweets on @metallungies & @meaghatron.

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