YACHT – Shangri-La, Album.

NPR has offered the public a first listen to YACHT’s new album Shangri-La that’s due out later this month. If you’ve listened to YACHT before you’re probably more familiar with tracks like Psychic City or The Afterlife but their new album offers a good handful of songs that are filled with lyrics that leave you thinking in metaphysical terms. The album as a whole is less trance inducing and is filled with upbeat hooks that are irresistible to move along to. That, paired with more delicate vocals, makes the listening experience a little more whimsical, much like the nature of the album which revolves around utopia and dystopia.

You can listen to the title track here:

OR, if you’re feeling musically brave, you can dive in and listen to the whole album here:

NPR’s First Listen: YACHT- Shangri-La

via NPR

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