?uestlove spins Dilla for an hour on Boiler Room TV.

Boiler Room TV presents a new episode this week featuring ?uestlove behind the boards. The entire set is a tribute to J-Dilla and features some unheard Roots rehearsal tracks of Dilla beats. I would recommend just downloading the podcast, instead of watching the whole video. These broadcasts always contain a bit more NY hipster douche than I can stomach. As always, someone from the youtube comments section sums up my feelings completely:

I love The Bolier Room concept, but it almost always pisses me off. You have a world class DJ spinning mind blowing sets and what do you have going on in the back ground? Bored looking hipsters looking at their smart phones while half heartedly shuffling about to the beat. Can’t they get a crowd that’s gonna let off and enjoy the experience instead of just tweeting about it?

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