26 Feb, 2014
The only regret that we have about this cover is that it took us 10 days to hear about it. As much as we love Queen Bey (and don’t we all worship at the altar of Bey?), we might love The Weeknd’s take on “Drunk in Love” even more. Can we say that? Too late. This cover sounds like Abel Tesfaye circa his first two mixtapes… which is a great thing. we were underwhelmed with the release of his first album, Kiss Land, but this sounds more reminiscent of his tried and true crooning that will more than likely get any girl within earshot to lose track of all rational thought. Listen below and prepare to keep this on repeat all day (week? month? year?).
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19 May, 2011

On April Fool’s Day, we got DJ Burn One to remix Will Smith’s “Men in Black.” We thought it would be funny, but Burn reworked a cheesy childhood memory into a sleek after hours cruise. We knew we were onto something.
Hence Remix Lungies, ML’s own remix series, where take dope producers out of their element and have them rework pop songs. Today, Bossman, one of the unsung producers behind the wave of great music coming out of of Huntsville, Alabama, (note his skills here, here, here, here, and here) remixes Mike Posner’s “Bow Chicka Wow Wow.” He scrapped the jokey tone of the original and gave it a candied sheen. As the artwork (provided by the amazing Yumi Sakaki) suggests, this is poolside music.
Right after we approached him, Bossman lost power for five days because of the tornadoes that hit the Southern United States in April. The subdivision across the street from his house was destroyed, as well as the houses in front of and behind it. He told us he and his family are doing well.
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