Sportscenter, I bid farewell to you.

ESPN Sportscenter

Something has happened inside of Bristol that is begging for a Carl Monday investigation. Just about a week ago there was the ESPN original programming of the World Series of Darts. But now my attention shifted to Sportscenter, The writers and the producers of the show have either hit the wall for new & fresh ideas or have simply picked up smoking crack during their writing sessions. First let me give you some background info, Sportscenter has been for as long as I can remember my most watched show on a daily basis, I would fall asleep and wakeup to it. Even on Sundays and Saturdays when they tried to stretch the show longer than the content allowed, I still watched. Then you started getting horrible anchors, even having competitions for spots (Mike Hall where are youuuu? oh yeah ESPN UUUUUU…Mike Holmes? dead?), I still watched. Then you started having more and more NASCAR & Golf coverage, I still watched. Then you started to resemble MTV with Chris Conolloy doing pieces, Stuart Scott doing Slam poetry, It was tough to continue watching, but I still did. Now as I reflect and realizing I haven’t seen a Kenny Mayne piece in months its time to say goodbye. You may ask why now do I give up? Well it simple, last night as yours truly was trying to fall asleep to some SC, they had the Yankees highlights on, and because Mike Mussina was in some documentary about crossword puzzles they thought it would be ‘cool’ to incorporate that into the highlight package by having a random clue as a precursor to what the highlight was going to be next of, ie “A boxing video game” that was 8 letters, proceed to show a “punchout” or “Bart’s dad” showed the highlight of a  drum roll please…. a “homer”. Seriously unless I haven’t seen any television in about 11 years and was hiding in the caves of Pakistan, I might have been amused for the first one but not for one to lead into every highlight of the game! A unemployed man’s time is to precious for that crap! I simply can not take the painful viewing SportsCenter (and ESPN) continue to bring to me. So now since I live in the DC area I have the fine choice of letting George Michael (yes, we get the flavoring of the George Michael’s Sports Machine here every night!) lead me in to pass out time aka sleep. Actually I think I’ll choose silence with the tv off, thanks ESPN!


P.S. this doesn’t mean I won’t be watching Dream Job: El Reportero.

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  1. Clare

    It’s about time. I hate having to fall asleep to that crap and wake up at 3 am to turn it off. augh. thank fucking god

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