John Rocker’s SPEAK ANGLISH err… ENGLISH campaign.


BREAKING NEWS! From the playbook pages of Diddy’s Vote or Die Campaign, former MLB Pitcher/ star of the cinematic masterpiece ‘The Greenskeeper’, John Rocker, comes with ‘SPEAK ENGLISH’. Accompanied on this “campaign” is Ms. Bikini Universe 2004, Alicia Marie, who for the most part is a vital piece in the movement, utilizing the Belly Shirt version of the SPEAK ENGLISH apparel/propaganda line. John Rocker would like to know from his life-changing MSNBC interview from Rita Crosby that:


“It’s not a business, it’s a campaign”

Near the end he mentions that it’s hard to get a white collar job with out speaking english. It really is so thoughtful that John Rocker is concerned about people getting white collar jobs, because clearly he has one.

Also, John, can we at least get a PLEASE on the shirt? AMERCIAN MANNERS DAMMIT!


Lastly, check out the banner from his official site, (where you can conveniently stock up on your ‘SPEAK ENGLISH’ merchandise, no word on where the proceeds go? I wonder??)

The 2nd to last picture looks like its CNN’s lead reporter interviewing John, oh, and I hope John’s cat can SPEAK ENGLISH.

On the site he has posted the longest piece of writing he has probably ever written.

In his letter he mentions;

I went to numerous local holiday celebrations such as parties that centered on the Puerto Rican holiday “Three Kings Day”, as well as numerous other festivals and gatherings. 

So using this idea, if I were to go to a “Three Kings Day” and muster out a few lines like maybe, “Mami Es Muy Caliente”, I could be seen as someone who is conforming to the Puerto Rican culture. Honestly after I got one good quote out of this one and a half page turd, I stopped reading, I’m sure it sings of beauty and intelligence afterwards but sadly I’m no where near John Rocker’s comprehension level to compute any more of this totally awesome campaign. In conclusion it must be said…





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