The Indiana Pacers are taking off where the Jail Blazers left off.

    Quietly but surely over the past two years+ the Portland Trail Blazers have worked on cleaning up their cocaine sniffing/dog fighting/domestic abuse image. On the other hand it seems the Indiana Pacers have been trying to make their image as dirty as possible. They started will a bang with that small brawl/riot in Detroit 2 years ago, which was seen even in little huts in China, the centerpiece of that event, and ML favorite Ron Artest was traded. It was followed up this summer with one the brawl participants, Stephen Jackson, randomly popping off his gun after getting hit by a car over this past summer, which was.. in violation of his probation from the Detroit brawl. He was traded. So getting rid of another bad apple would bring in guys that behaved better right? If that was true would this post even exsist? Instead they got Keith McLeod, a benchplayer who… wait for it….was accused of beating up a bar manager. Did he act solo? Nope. Jamal Tinsley and Marquis Daniels were there to join in on the fun. My predication for the next incident: Tory Murphy steals a book at Borders.




p.s. a formal welcome to BBoy Grunt, he is going to be killing all y’all jive turkeys with his his New York shiiiiit.

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