Trapped in the Closet Chapter 16 Thoughts.

Wow, After all that Chapter 16 is sort of a letdown. Here’s hoping its like a slow 24 episode that just leads up to a lot of crazy shit, because this chapter didn’t do much.

  • It looks like Twan doesn’t cause  high blood pressure, but rather some pimping smacking turrets syndrome spinoff  to kick in.
  • Sylvester is a good life coach.
  • Will Sylvester’s cigarette start an inferno?

Of course here is PD:

Chapter 16:
 Roxanne says, (sound)
 Tina busting out the twitchy eye…not exactly Oscar-worthy.
 I don’t have any idea where this whole epic is going right now. I mean, I never really did, but now? Even less.
 A pimp hit her in the eye and that made her develop a nervous condition? You sure that’s not a physical condition, Roxanne?
 Within 20 seconds, Twan is convinced to leave the streets behind and start a new life with Tina. But then Roxanne drops the bombshell.
 This was probably, no, definitely, the worst chapter in the whole series so far. I hope R. starts stepping his game up after this. If it’s just going to be this kind of ongoing argument, I might as well go watch Maury.

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