Well at least the Government still believes in Hip-Hop.

If you look closely you can see 2 dudes in black tees. This was a hip hop duo (didn’t catch their name) performing at the Department of Commerce’s United States Patent and Trademark’s community day back in June. Not one soul seemed to pay them any mind which I kinda felt bad about but you wouldn’t expect your average baby boomer government employee to be “feelin it”. The sound was pretty bad so I couldn’t even tell if the guys were any good, plus I was too busy enjoying my new free:

Talk about randomness, and what kind of message is being sent, government employees need grooming? But the price was right. Tax dollars at good use 😉 .


I know this late but I have reasons, one of em being FINALLY finding the damn usb cable for my phone.

PS if you know the groups name holla in the comments so I can at least give em a myspace link.

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