Never on schedule but always on time.

For those of y’all that haven’t yet died of suspense (R.I.P. to those less fortunate), the Pete Rock Beat Drop will be up on Friday. Or next Monday in the case of some unforeseen circumstance that I can’t possibly know about right now because then it wouldn’t be unforeseen. But I’m really aiming for Friday. Keep your third eye open for that.

The main reason for the delay is that we’ve* lined up a couple of very special guests, both of whom are established hip hop producers. One is someone that has been around these parts before, and should be familiar to fans of our previous Beat Drops. The other guest, however, might catch y’all by surprise. I’d let the cat out the bag, but Pete’s telling me to keep it on the hush.

[* – And by “we’ve,” I really just mean DJ01, who has done all the grunt work. Well played, good sir.] Sphere: Related Content

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