Is this ESPN or C-SPAN?

So a fake doctor, a lawyer and a baseball pitcher walk into a bar…

So I’ve been trying to just get a look at the top 10 plays of the day or some NFL Live in my free time today, but this Roger Clemens/Brian McNamee congressional hearing is eating up all of that. Instead I’m listening to all sorts of fun discussions about fake diplomas, Clemens butt bleeding (NH!!), a nanny attending a Jose Conseco’s party, with committee members cracking jokes/zinging in between. They could’ve ended it about after about 5 minutes of talking and easily solved the matter. Since one of them is CLEARLY lying, get a lie detector on both guys and we can all resume our regularly scheduled programming. Although, it still is more entertaining than this.

(Image: NYTimes)

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  1. illest

    come on a lie detector!!! that can be beaten. Who cares to see nfl live (the season is over). this was reality tv. you got wifes, fathers, kids, and nannies involved with drugs and lies. there are no hiphop albums out right now that are this interesting.

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