Young Jeezy’s new social site & blog.

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These days a blog/social site is the “in” thing for  a computer-savvy rapper. Everyone from Prodigy to 50 Cent has one. Young Jeezy launched his own yesterday – USDA 2Day. It has your standard set of youtube clips, sneaker picks..and about half of the 20 or so entries are about various sort of legal/crime issues (including this BS), it looks like  Jeezy sure loves that crime blotter in the paper.

Edit:  A further breakdown (in order) left sidebar: car of the week, NBA Playoffs, murder count for major cities; center:  aforementioned; right sidebar: various models, a missing child banner. What kind of crazy demographic is this shit going after? Horny car & NBA lovers, who are obsessed with murder counts but have a soft spot for finding missing kids?

After your done getting creeped out about that, go to Eskay to get his latest mixtape, The Prime Minister.

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