Black ELement – Ride It Out [Missing ELements #1].

Black ELement has been prepping his album, A Major Minority, for its September 18th release for a while now. While he works on it, he’s got a new project, Missing ELements, that’s he’s putting out. Keep your dial tuned to ML over the next few weeks to pick up the new BE tracks as they drop.

Check out the first track of Missing ELements, “Ride It Out”, below.

Read Black’s explanation of the track below:

Whenever an animal is backed into a corner or it’s life is threatened, we have the instinct to fight back. The instinct is to survive and with war plaguingĀ  our nation over the last 40+’s years with pointless conflicts we as a people finally begin to seek for change. From generation to generation, though the technology of the weapons has changed the result and heartache stays the same. Families having loved ones fighting for a guy whose a million miles away, just so his son’s trust fund can get a little bigger. War no matter the time, it effects us the same way until we can’t take it anymore, until we ride out!

Download: Black ELement – Ride It Out (prod.Rami Afuni)

Check out Black ELement’s MySpace too.

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3 Comments so far »

  1. Ted said,

    Wrote on August 18, 2008 @ 4:58 pm

    Dope! I really like this guy…anymore?

  2. Black ELement said,

    Wrote on August 18, 2008 @ 8:57 pm

    More is coming! Check and for more!!!!

  3. Black ELement - (Oh Shit We Goin…) Down!?!? [Missing ELements #4] | Metal Lungies said,

    Wrote on August 25, 2008 @ 10:40 am

    […] Black ELement – Ride It Out (prod.Rami Afuni) [Missing ELements #1] Sphere: Related Content No Comments, Leave a comment. […]

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