What it’s like Dating a Prostitute.

Michael Mooney, a writer at the Broward-Palm Beach Times, wanted to find out what it was like to just take a prostitute on a date without doing anything physical. Read his interesting experience here.

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  1. Jao

    It can be very stressful and frustrating at times. My gf has a child that sleeps with us almost all the time. That’s a problem because you start to think about those moments you wan to just start the most passionate and spontaneous sex ever but you can’t be as loud and wild as you would if the child weren’t in the bedroom or even the house for that matter. That is frustrating because you know when the gf goes to see a client there aren’t any children around to screw with his subconcious except his own conscience about his wife or SO if he has one. The frustration sets in because you always wonder if you’re getting the best out of you gf and the sexual relationship. Most times though if the other parts of the relationship are strong then the sex is better than anything you could ever imagine. Then you imagine that she’s giving just as good to customers so you get jealous and remind yourself that you aren’t paying for it and you don’t have to put on a raincoat like her customers do. But then later you say to yourself, I’m paying all the bills! WTF! I should be getting it everyday without complaint. Then she refuses to put out because she’s either too tired from today’s customer or is saving her energy for tomorrow’s. Then the cycle comes full circle again and repeats with more stress and drama than the day before but you remind yourself how great the sex is when you get it – especially if you can get it five days straight…

  2. coolman

    I think a prostitute has the same rights as anyone.
    The same way there is woman who cheat his boyfriend/husband, you can have a disapointment with a prostitute too.
    Basically her feeling is totally shown on the beginning, differently of a “normal” woman.

  3. mitch

    In a way everyone is selfish or a prostitute. We want something out of every relationship we have even if its just someone to listen to us or make us laugh. At the most basic level we are all selfish. Now dating a hooker puts that right out on the table. She wants the John for financial help. But wait dont more than half the housewives in America? Now we need to go deeper. Most girls wind up there because they want the extras in life. They can pay their bills working a legit job but want the easy life. How far apart are they from a trust fund dude who sucks up to daddy for an inheritance or some yuppy going to work for a rich uncle to get on the fast track or a secretary who falls for her boss? I don’t suggest looking for a significant other this way but some find each other like this. She can’t work any longer if she’s dating. That wouldn’t be sincere. But is she wants to sleep, move in and mooch off you it’s all good so long as she doesn’t have any mental issues. Offering stability is no more or less shallow than a person attracted to someone merely for looks.

  4. diablo

    Ive dated Prostitutes and dancers in the past and it was fun like a adventure. I fell in love with a Prostitute about 3years ago. I use to work in the sex industry as manager and i had girls around me all the time but i only saw the girls as a money maker. I was always profesional then one day this bombshell walked in. SHE WAS THE MOST BEAUTIFUL CREATURE GOD HAS EVER MADE. I had no problem selling her the clients loved her. I then made a huge mistake at the time and got to know her and fell in love with her beautiful heart. She told me how 88% of the girls were sexualy molested at a young age and they all had trumatic pasts these girls lack alot of confidence and most of them get caught in the trap and cant get out They beleive they will never find love. Her story was heartbreaking and i just wanted to help and protect her. Dating a Prostitute can be extremly hard and mentaly draining. Like when she comes home unhappy and tells you that a client was abusive. You want to kill that client. Or when you going to a movie and a client reconises her and tries to pick her up out of work, or when we have to buy furniture and she says its ok i will just have to see a few clients. These are the situations you will get into and my god they will stuff your head and her head up. My Girlfriend wants to get married now but she must fully get out of that industry before i make her a house wife. We argue alot but we love each other dearly. THE SEX IS GREAT she has sex with men for a living so you can push her to go that little extra mile to make you happy. also she fully understands she must keep me sexuly satisfied and any time i want it i get it . She has also made some of my fantasy come true. DATING A WORKING GIRL IS HARD BUT CAN BE WORTH IT. JUST BE PATIENT WITH THEM

  5. flamengo

    hi, I went this weekend to a whore house, and I had the second best sex of my life, I did not act, but I did not expect her to act very little, she gave me free time, she did a lot of stuff only my ex women gave to me, I am very puzzled, I want to see her again, but my desire is to date her, I don’ t know if I am mad or what. I don t stop to think about her, my plans is to visit her 5 times maximum, and before or on the last, if everything goes as electric as has been, to ask her to go for an ice cream or a to walk on the riverside. Am I too foolish? She looks like the daughter of a Rabi, like an angel, and we fuck like hell really, a lot of sucking and kissing and good stuff, I think she is new on the business, I have someone else who lives away and this other one is a woman who is rich and respectable and a lier worth nothing, but the sex worker is 1000000 better.
    Am I a fool? would she be flattered if I ask her out or she would be angry???

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