Goofy Internet Rap Trendwatch: Rapper’s Beards On Twitter.
RIP to the originator and owner of one of the greatest beards.
Since I did this piece on rappers’ Twitter accounts last August, everyone’s joined the damn site and rappers being on Twitter is no longer something too unusual. No, the new thing is starting accounts for your beard. Case in point, the accounts that have been started for the following rappers’ beards:
Al Maman‘s facial growth wins this one by being attached to the best producer of the three, and for the following tweet:
Like, even tho im a beard, i shouldnt be put in the beard hop category with the other beards. I transcend that.
Speaking as someone who cannot muster more than a wispy mustache and some stubble, I feel the need to remind you that a beard will not make you a rapper. Sorry Joe.
knobbzXL said,
Wrote on May 4, 2009 @ 9:56 pm
best post of the year