Amir Junaid Muhadith, the artist formerly known as Loon on Al-Jazeera, Video.

So it looks like a stint on Bad Boy drove Loon to find Allah as shown by his recent interview on the Al-Jazeera network. The video is so amazingly odd/awkward/random (also known as right up ML’s alley.)  Shout out to Al-Jazeera homies for trying to force Loon to drop a 16 on-air (on two occasions) and playing his Bad Boy era clips on 3/4th of the screen as Loon spoke on pretty much denouncing all of that.

Via Rap Radar

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There are 3 comments

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  1. Nura Abu

    Brother i am deeply moved by your speech and how you carry yourself as a Muslim brother Mashallah to you….and may others see the true light that you saw ….l

  2. Merina (Khadijah)

    Ramdhan Mubarak, SubhanAllah, I’m moved that @ your speach and also how you present yourself as a strong Muslim brother. Don’t let Satan change you and no other’s out here in this world.

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