6 Jul, 2007
Wu-Tang Clan on MTV Cribs, in a rented pad in L.A., back while they were recording The W:
Murs’ video for “Risky Business”, featuring Shock G and, Shock’s infamous alter-ego, Humpty Hump (Video NSFW, and may put our recent PG-13 rating at risk):
Am I tripping, or are these the same house? [NOTE: The answer could be “yes” to both.]
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24 May, 2007

Earlier this week my man K over at Analog Giant posted about a New York times article. The article covers how the place where Hip-Hop was given its birth is in danger of becoming just another plain apartment complex. The building is fighting on 2 fronts, to stay as public housing and to gain historical recognition status. It boggles my mind that Hip-Hop’s history all too often gets pushed back to the back burner. If this was the place where a pioneering rock band like the Rolling Stones lived, it would’ve already been preserved and probably turned into a museum. So why is it with a building like this, the invaluable historical hip hop aspect is completely overlooked and ignored?
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10 Apr, 2007
I read this exhaustive article in Washington Post over the weekend. It was about how they created a social experiment where they put a violinist, Joshua Bell, to act as a metro street performer. Bell is considered one of the best if not the best in world in classical music. As he put on his 45 minute performance, only 7 people out of more than a thousand stopped! A ticket to one of his performances easily fetches $100. The article really messed with my mind and made me think about the music I listen to and the perception of what good music is. The riddle of this, will we ever reach a point of where a hip-hop or even rock pioneer could be ignored, some might even say disrespected, like this?
You should read the full article here.
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28 Mar, 2007
While walking around today (not making drug deals but rather trying to get a smoothie, in a gangsta flavor, of course), I heard a ringtone for Rich Boy’s “Throw Some D’s“. Then I thought about all the rappers that have freestyles over the beat, Kanye, Fabolous, Lil Wayne, Papoose, The Game, ect. This lead me to the question (2 part joint!): is this the most freestyled over song of the year or what? What have been some popular freestyle tracks from years before? Ja Rule’s-New York, New York comes to mind for me.
Kanye even made a video for his (!!):
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21 Mar, 2007
Get your smile on! It’s another concept focused entry series intro time (I promise to keep it alive, as well reviving the other so called concept joints). So, I was sitting in the car with my girl listening to a mix and Tony Yayo‘s ‘So Seductive’ came on, then it really hit me how powerful 50 Cent is in the hip-hop game, shit the entertainment business period. He pretty much gave Yayo a career, who I don’t think could cut it otherwise. The man pretty much has captured the formula that it takes to make a hit record (sales wise at least). Which leads me to the question I wish to share, which you can answer in our comments or take rhetorically.
What if 50 used the same skills he has mastered to put together hit records that leaned more towards the lines of 2pac’s ‘Changes’ and less about girls in the club?
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