Random stuff


Wildstyle Coffee Table (ML Wishlist Part 3)

If you were looking for the perfect holiday gift for that special Hip-Hopper in your life. Look no furthur. Graffiti World is a book by Nicholas Ganz that shows off street art from hundreds of artists around the world. Graffiti is an important part of hip-hop culture that has roots..

Good Googly Moogly

More and more I have been interested in the work of Tenessee rapper, Project Pat. As many of you know, Pat is signed to Hypnotize Minds and was released from prison in July 2005 after serving time for assault charges. Now why would I choose to profile Project Pat, you..

Metal Lungies Wish List (Part #1)

Oddly enough, the first thing I want this christmas is a 20 pack of long black t-shirts and enough iron-on transfers to cover them. Why? You ask. Cause every time I see a new Clipse or Pharrell video I notice another slogan that I wished I had put on a..

A Question for Snoop Dogg…

A photo from the cinematic masterpiece ‘Soul Plane’. That question is simple..Can you please explain your obsession with the Airline industry/Airports/Airplanes? We all should have seen the warning signs when he starred in Soul Plane he probably didn’t even care about how good or bad the movie was going to be (I haven’t..

DMX is still ‘unique’ & a Clipse Update.

Dmx with a dog?? WHAT??? DMX just doesn’t seem able to stop in providing us with entertaining shit. When he is not acting completely cracked out for the camera, he is either going bat crazy during a concert, proudly earning some traffic violations, or claiming he was raped. The first..

Good Clean Fun in Baltimore.

Over the past two weeks I have spent an increasing amount of time in the magical land of Baltimore. The first of my recent outings occurred when I went to some loud hookah bar with a couple of old friends. Besides the waitress being mentally disabled this was a fairly..

John Rocker’s SPEAK ANGLISH err… ENGLISH campaign.

  BREAKING NEWS! From the playbook pages of Diddy’s Vote or Die Campaign, former MLB Pitcher/ star of the cinematic masterpiece ‘The Greenskeeper’, John Rocker, comes with ‘SPEAK ENGLISH’. Accompanied on this “campaign” is Ms. Bikini Universe 2004, Alicia Marie, who for the most part is a vital piece in the movement,..

N.W.A. & Sesame Street-Fuck The Police

This is probably the funniest video of the day for me, I guess even puppets on Sesame Street get hasseled by those boys in blue.   [wmv width=”320″ height=”240″]http://gorillamask.net/Media/muppets-nwa.wmv[/wmv]   Credit: Gorilla Mask Sphere: Related Content