In a world filled with Fall Out Boy fifty-word-minimum-essay song titles, you still have to give it up to Escape The Fate for the first track on their debut EP There’s No Sympathy For The Dead, entitled “Dragging Dead Bodies in Blue Bags Up Really Long Hills.” So relax critics, this is a not a serious metal/hardcore band producing a concept album using blood-curdling guttural screams to convey their feelings on the idea of death. And honestly, if you’re looking for deep lyrical meaning in metal and hardcore, you might looking in the wrong place. Metalheads, please correct me on this one.
Undoubtedly, the accessibility of ETF’s sound is both their strength and weakness. When a new band provides the goods, fans either embrace it, proclaiming their eternal love for them, or reject it, citing buzz words such as “sellout”, “mainstream”, or “I don’t listen to that emo crap!”. More and more people are paying attention to record labels too, and what they stand for. In ETF’s case, Epitaph, the label started by Bad Religion guitarist Brett Gurewitz, has a long history of punk and punk rock acts, and is certainly a difficult label to live up to.
But whatever the verdict, the EP is full of busy vocal arrangements (singing, screaming, sing-screaming, and layering up the butt), tempo changes, double bass drumkick action, and when the guitars calm down enough, some pretty decent soloing. There is never a dull moment on this album, and if there is, you are probably too busy thinking about how you are really too good for this album.
Folks, the key is to not take them too seriously and enjoy the music, if you do in the slightest bit. Honestly they sound completely silly on their website, “‘I don’t wanna come off like an asshole,’ says outspoken Ronnie, ‘but we’re gonna be that change in music. I have a vision. I want people to have fun, put their fists in the air.'” I mean that’s not exactly going down in Bartlett’s, but whatever. Save the drama for your mama!
Recent and Upcoming:
Sept 26, 2006 – Dying Is Your Latest Fashion
May 23, 2006 – There’s No Sympathy For The Dead (EP)
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