

Sports is depressing.

Wow.. sports is pretty non-uplifting these days, lets have a rundown of the headlines on this evening. A filly horse dying after a race, then it’s put to sleep in front of thousands. A fallen from grace pitcher is apologizing about all sorts of wrongs except that hollering at..

ESPN E:60 catches up with Mike Tyson.

E:60 did a very interesting piece on Iron Mike, who ML is endlessly intrigued by. In the roundtable Jeremy Schaap nails it when he says a good part of the appeal of Mike Tyson is how authentic he is. Watch this if you are interested in what Mike is up..

Soulja Boy to attend a Wizards playoff game.

Today the Wizards may have been barely beaten by the Cavaliers but there is a bigger story brewing, the feud of DeShawn Stevenson vs. Lebron James. It’s already starting to bubble with the pre-halftime confrontation between the 2 teams. First Stevenson said this in March: DeShawn was obviously holding back..

This Is Why Duke Sucks.

I’ve never seen the original from last year before, and boy was I missing out. Eskay with the find like always. By the way, if Duke wins the championship ML will be shut down forever. Pt.2 Pt.1 Sphere: Related Content

Is this ESPN or C-SPAN?

So a fake doctor, a lawyer and a baseball pitcher walk into a bar… So I’ve been trying to just get a look at the top 10 plays of the day or some NFL Live in my free time today, but this Roger Clemens/Brian McNamee congressional hearing is eating up..