26 Mar, 2008
I’m Knobbz and I’m the newest addition to the ML team. My eagerness to tell anyone who will listen about the album they’ve never heard of or the song that just leaked has landed me here. I’m very glad to be here and I hope I can contribute something worthwhile to this already great site.
‘Knobbz’ is a nickname I picked up in high school that I took to more kindly than my other nickname, ‘Pussy Willow’. Yeah, you can tell I sat with the cool kids at lunch. I’m just as friendly as I look in my picture and yes, those big black caterpillars over my eyes are real.
Here’s to playing Akinyele’s Put it in Your Mouth when the girl from downstairs comes to tell me to turn my music down.
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18 Mar, 2008

Like what you read on ML? Want to contribute to the site? We’re looking for writers who can cover the latest hip hop news; new videos, leaked tracks, album tracklistings, etc. We would prefer someone who can post daily (Monday-Friday).
If you have connections that can get you the information earlier, so much the better. We want you to post about news items that haven’t been covered extensively but are still relevant. Diverse musical tastes are cool too.
Send a sample of your writing (please don’t send us something that reads like text message, kthxbye) and a short brief about yourself (and any questions) to Dj01 [at] metallungies dot com. Please put ‘contributing to Metal Lungies’ or something similar into the subject of the e-mail. If you have never written anything, by all means give it a shot. Write a small piece about your favourite artist’s last album/song/news story.
If you’re interested in covering other genres on ML such as Rock, Electronic, etc. in any capacity also hit us up.
We look forward to your submissions!
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26 Dec, 2007

We’ve covered Rappers I Know before at ML, but we never need a good reason to post about them. They just rolled out their podcast earlier this month, with the first instalment hosted by Kay of the Foundation.
They brought out the second instalment the day on Christmas Eve (like my Hebraic ass would know!) and Kay is joined by DJ Signify in hosting duties. Listen to streaming audio here.
There’s some fantastic tunes on here, very eclectic track choice too. Definitely worth a listen.
Here’s the track listing for the latest podcast:
1. “Player’s Ball Instrumental” (Kay and DJ Cipher) Outkast Southernplayalisticadillacmuzik
2. “SpottieOttieDopaliscious” Outkast Aquemini
3 “Skyy, Can You Feel Me” Raphael Saadiq Instant Vintage
4. “Bitch Niggaz “ Dr. Dre 2001
5. “Diamonds & Wood” U.G.K. Ridin’ Dirty
6. “Doobie Ashtray” Devin the Dude Just Tryin’ ta Live
7. “Easin’ In” (Kay and DJ Cipher) Edwin Starr Hell up in Harlem [Original Soundtrack]
8. “Everybody Loves The Sunshine” Ramp Come into Knowledge
9. “She’s My Summer Breeze” The Reflections Love on Delivery
10. “Jagger the Dagger “ Eugene Mcdaniels Headless Heroes of the Apocalypse
11. “Time to get it together “ Marvin Gaye Here, My Dear
12. “Give me Your love (Love Song)” Curtis Mayfield Superfly [Original Soundtrack]
13. “Guess Who” Instrumental (Kay and DJ Cipher) Goodie Mob Soul Food
14. “Look at California” Maze Self-titled
Also: watch this spot for some upcoming goodness involving Rappers I Know, Metal Lungies & an associate blog of ours. No spoilers but it’s going to be pretty dope.
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19 Nov, 2007
I’m AaronM, the newest addition to the ML team. To the left, you can see me in my blogging costume.
I’m very honoured to be asked to join Metal Lungies. I hope I can keep up the quality of the blog in my future posts. I’ve got some big plans for weekly features. I’m no new newbie to the blog game (see my personal blog here, for starters) and I also recently starting writing interviews for the public radio show The Sound of Young America’s blog.
So: leave some feedback, communicate. Here’s hoping for big things.
mp3 for the occasion: “Are You Ready?” by T.J. Swann, Peewee MEL & Barry B.
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13 Nov, 2007
ML’s 6th Beat Drop installment, focusing on Just Blaze, will be up on the site this Friday. No special guests this time around, but plenty of special music.
Barring some Christmas miracle, this will likely be the last Beat Drop of the year, but look for Beat Drops in the near future on more of hip hop’s most famed beatmakers — among them J Dilla, RZA, Kanye West (on that note, R.I.P. to Dr. Donda West, who certainly seemed like a great person based on Kanye’s references to her), and the Neptunes. Also, we’ll be doing some Beat Drop posts focused not on current producers, but on artists from past generations — Isaac Hayes, Curtis Mayfield, Roger Troutman and Zapp, just to name a few — focusing on their classic music and the hip hop tracks that have sampled them. ML was like heaven in ’07, and we’re going to be great in ’08! [Pardon the cheesiness of that last sentence — I was trying to channel my inner-Busta-Rhymes-on-“Scenario”-remix.]
So, why am I bigging up ML so much right now? To provide a perfect segway to this… Hey! Nielsen & Billboard.com have nominated us, along with several other blogs, for their Best Music Blog contest. To all our readers who will click the hell out of any zShare links we post but will only leave comments when we screw up — Just playing, y’all! It’s all love! — feel free to give us your vote at your earliest convenience. We’ll make sure that you’re properly compensated… with quality posts and great music. Hey, it’s almost as good as money!
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25 Sep, 2007

For those of y’all that haven’t yet died of suspense (R.I.P. to those less fortunate), the Pete Rock Beat Drop will be up on Friday. Or next Monday in the case of some unforeseen circumstance that I can’t possibly know about right now because then it wouldn’t be unforeseen. But I’m really aiming for Friday. Keep your third eye open for that.
The main reason for the delay is that we’ve* lined up a couple of very special guests, both of whom are established hip hop producers. One is someone that has been around these parts before, and should be familiar to fans of our previous Beat Drops. The other guest, however, might catch y’all by surprise. I’d let the cat out the bag, but Pete’s telling me to keep it on the hush.
[* – And by “we’ve,” I really just mean DJ01, who has done all the grunt work. Well played, good sir.]
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5 Sep, 2007
Just a quick heads up, the name is now just ‘Dj01’. I’m going into internets witness protection. Contact page updated, please check that to continue to send your vital information spam.
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1 Sep, 2007

Thats right! ML now has a radio show. If you miss it you can catch it on the podcast which will be posted after every show on this site each week. I’m currently negotiating to get two spots a week, but for now I just have Tuesday. Most of the shows will focus around a basic topic (think beat drops, only wider and on the radio). I don’t expect most people to catch the live show, but those podcasts are bound to be instant classics. If you do catch the live show, call in. I’ll read the number on the air.
P.S. the Time is EST.
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25 Aug, 2007

This isn’t Metal Lungies, this is what happened to a hater of ours.
Hopefully, we’ll hit you up on Monday. Till then work on your 50/Kanye sales predictions.
17 Aug, 2007
“‘Shalom’ is ‘hello’ and ‘goodbye’ in Hebrew, right? Yeah, that pretty much sums up your career.” — Colin Quinn (not verbatim, but close enough), to someone at the Artie Lange Roast on The Howard Stern Show
… pretty much sums up my blogging career, as well.
On August 20th (Monday), I will start my first year of law school. So, needless to say, my presence at ML will be missing for a while. Will it be missed? Well, I guess that’s for y’all to decide. I’ll still drop by every now and again for the occasional Beat Drop (Hi-Tek’s is up for those that might not have seen it — Lethal’s been a one-man-blog-man lately), or whenever something gets me in a posting sort of mood. But, if I attempt to stay current with the daily goings-on of the hip hop world and balance that out with a time-consuming law school schedule, I’ll most certainly fail miserably in both areas — I’d be behind in class work, and you’d be reading my reviews of the Curtis and Graduation sometime in 2008 (assuming their release dates don’t change anymore).
So, in closing, I’ll see y’all when I see y’all. ML for life, ’til the casket dips and the death certificate reads, “Cause of Death: Iodine poisoning from eating so many shrimp.”
P.S. As one last goodbye-for-now, peep my guest post on Souled On (complete with MP3s if you’re not up for the long read).
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